Where will it all end?
Will there ever truly be a lasting solution?
Did you know the Bible actually tells us?
You are invited to hear the positive future God has planned for this world.
Saturday 11th May 2024
Come along and hear what the Bible says about the future of this world.
Learn what this means for you and your family.
With all the evil and violence, isn’t it time to hear some positive news for a change?
Sponsored by the Christadelphians
1. 2:30-3:00pm
City of Conflict & Hope
Live stream - https://youtube.com/live/fOth_UQSTyM
2. 3:10-3:40pm
The Gospel
God’s Solution
Live stream - https://youtube.com/live/yLggfOr6t2E
3. 4:30-5:00pm
Jesus Christ
To be King of the World
Live stream - https://youtube.com/live/yI1bkrthDtQ
These are the Christadelphian meeting places in the Newcastle and Central Coast region.
Boolaroo Christadelphian Hall
14 Fifth St, Boolaroo
Information Line: 4943 8184
English lessons from the Bible
Bible Study - Every Sunday Afternoon, 6pm with dinner provided
Newcastle Christadelphian Hall
152 Parry St, Newcastle West
Sunday Morning 11am
Charlestown Christadelphian Hall
38 Ridley St, Charlestown
Sunday School 9:15am every Sunday during school terms.
Southlakes Christadelphians
Cooranbong Community Centre,
614 Freemans Dr., Cooranbong
Gosford Christadelphian Hall
26 Pacific Hwy, Ourimbah
Toronto Christadelphians
Toronto Multi-Purpose Centre,
9 Thorne St., Toronto
Hunter Valley Christadelphians
Dora Creek Community Hall
2 Doree Pl, Dora Creek
Sunday School - 9.15
every Sunday during school terms
(Classes suitable for all ages from 3 yrs, including Adult classes)
For more details of other classes and activities please refer:
hve.org.au secretary@hve.org.au
Watagan Christadelphian Hall
Eden Bible Education Centre
200 Gimberts Rd, Morisset
Sunday morning - 11.15am
Wednesday Evening - 7.30pm